TikTok develops plan to fight Holocaust denial

TikTok, in collaboration with UNESCO and the World Jewish Congress, has implemented additional safeguards to prevent Holocaust denial on its website (WJC). Users who search for Holocaust-related keywords will be routed to factual information.

According to Unesco, 17 percent of Holocaust-related content on the viral video app either rejected or twisted events. TikTok stated that it is putting its “whole power” towards eradicating hatred.

TikTok said on Holocaust Memorial Day that when consumers search for a phrase linked to the Holocaust, they will now receive a banner at the top of the results page prompting them to visit the WJC and Unesco website aboutholocaust.org to learn more.


People will also be sent to the website if they search for hashtags such as #HolocaustSurvivor or #HolocaustRemembrance. TikTok also stated that in the future, it will place a permanent banner at the bottom of any video discussing the Holocaust, directing users to authoritative information.

“We believe education is vital in combating hatred,” said TikTok’s head of government relations, Elizabeth Kanter.

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