After 18 Months Of Shutdown, 4G Internet Restored In Jammu & Kashmir

Jammu & Kashmir faced the world’s longest internet shutdown as all the internet services were stopped by the centre on August 5, 2019. After 18 months the residents of this Union Territory will finally get high-speed internet.

4G Restored In Jammu & Kashmir

Jammu & Kashmir

The Union Territory is termed as the most disputed region of India and there is not a single year that goes without civil and political unrest in the state. But 2019 indeed brought great havoc in the state.

The state has been enjoying a special status under Article 370 of the Constitution. But on August 5, 2019, it was officially announced by Home Minister Amit Shah that Article 370 has been scrapped and Jammu & Kashmir will not enjoy any special status anymore.

Jammu & Kashmir

This was the cause of violent unrest in the territory. And the outcome was severe as there were curfews, clashes, violent protests. etc. On that very same that the government decided to ban all the internet and telecom services in the state. Although telecom services were restored within a few months 4G internet was still banned.

It was on February 5, 2021, that the ban on 4G internet was officially removed. 

Omar Abdullah Calls It A Victory

Post the restoration of 4G services in the territory the Chief Minister of J & K has expressed his joy over a tweet. He tweeted that the restoration of high-speed internet is indeed a victory for the people of Kashmir.

Abdullah has been requesting the centre to restore the high-speed internet services in the state. And after a long appeal, the government has finally lifted the ban.

Jammu & Kashmir

This internet shutdown has been a matter of huge criticism because it has to be the world’s longest internet shutdown. And such a dictatorial act was not expected from a democratic nation like India. Suppressing people’s voice by putting a ban on mediums like the internet is something quite unacceptable.

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